New Year’s Resolutions
One of my goals this year is to “dive in” my blog in English language. A very hard stuff if you considered my poor practice – below zero- during all this years (over 25) since I remember when my life was easier talking in a“second language”. The problem is not really to search the ideas….the problem is to catch the right words to write it down in English…… this effort , if I make a mistake….I will be very, very happy to “read and see” the corrections….however , considering the fact that I haven’t “think” in a second language for over a quarter of century…be merciful if I made a big mess !!!
As probably you know by now, architecture is a passion in my life, and also a way of living. Being an architect in this places is not easy, usually because the local residents do not hired a “veteran” but search for newels graduates which use to charge low ( a lot !!!) for their services, or make a contract with a “mason “ that "has" enough experience to “design and built” their dream house.!
The “maestro de obras” (is like a master mason, and in some cases a contractor) generally can do anything and better than an architect, and also that an engineer …....
(what a jewel!!! ) and the better part is that also charge a lot less than any kind of architect that you can find here.
We have a different kind of architects in this country…..graduates, not graduates, under graduates….students….no students…….with a little, very, none, or much experience that offer their expertise in the most colorful ways that you can ever imagine.
I just wonder how are doing the new generations of architects with such a competence and low pay labor. Hiring an architect is not really cheap…..if you are lucky, you will have a good designer, a general contractor, a great drafter, an interior decorator, someone who will make the budget, buy the materials, deal with the mess…and always will be smiling and will be telling you that will finish in the time proposed (after two months of delayed!!!)…all in one person…an ARCHITECT! ( just like a multi purpose person)
So making a honor for those new generations of architects that have been some of the big number of students I have had, I’m enclosing a picture of a bunch of young professionals that I know for sure will be named in a couple of years as a great architects.

I found them by accident in a little café in Ataco, just before finishing last year(beautiful little “pueblo” up in the coffee hills plantations in my country) in a very cozy place named EL BOTON, and by the way…a great place for a good cup of coffee with a great slice of pear-coconut pie !

And for now…this has been a great effort to make a little article in a second language….I am going to eat a piece (big one! ) of chocolate to enjoy the moment!!!!